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15179029_10158004415190713_5692434246993680843_nI’m sure many of you are already out and about. Christmas shopping is in full mode and we all are looking at our calendars and wondering how we will get it done before December 25th.

Like many of you I think my children are wonderful. Jamie is a great guy. He loves the laughter of children and the forever memories that can be captured in a photo. Jamie is rarely concerned with money and instead tries to give his clients the “best deal” ever. He sees every family as a whole unit. When he sets his prices he considers that if they are too high Mom and Dad may not be able to give pictures to all grandparents or someone may have to go without a special gift. Jamie is compassionate and kind to a fault.

Today Jamie is a Santa photographer. He will offer reasonable packages and unlike other photographers he will sign away his rights so parents can take a disc to Wallmart and print all the photos they want. Grandma as well as Aunt Tilly can each have every picture. At his own expense he has hired actresses who regularly represent Elsa and Anna from the movie Frozen. Little girls who were excited about Santa will also be thrilled to see their favorite characters come to life.

While Jamie’s kindness is exceptional, that’s not why I’m using him as an example. Today, Jamie will be the voice of Jesus. When some Dad would rather be home watching football and he’s clearly a grump – Jamie will tease around, ask him about his favorite team and find some trigger to get him to smile.

When mom is worried about her crying baby, Jamie will smile and say she’s beautiful. Even with a long line he will take a few extra minutes to try to get a smile. When children push, have meltdowns and when temper tantrums run through the long lines – Jamie will tease, tickle and put tigger on his head. He will act like the happiest elf and will sound like the soothing voice of Jesus. I’ve been his helper and I’ve watched him do it for six hours at a stretch.

I’ve also watched Jamie do it in his personal life. He hates confrontation and hurt feelings. He does everything he can to compliment and to make people feel better about themselves. Jamie is a great example of “showing” the love of Jesus.  Jamie gives cheerfully until he can’t give anymore.

I encourage you to be “the voice of Jesus” during this holiday season and beyond. When you’ve been in line for 30 minutes, before paying for your haul – compliment the checker. Look her/him in the eye. Smile big and say “Thank you for being here today. You are doing a really tough job and I appreciate your help.” That’s the voice of Jesus.

When you can’t find a parking space and Grandma is trying to scoot into the only one left, smile and give it to her. Congratulations! You are the compassionate Jesus.

When Uncle Rex is a crab and won’t stop being negative about the holidays, bake him a pie and give him a big hug. Tell him how much you love him and that you know Jesus loves him too. Yes! You were the hands of Jesus.

As the mom of your home, celebrate Christmas with all that you do. Don’t fuss that putting up decorations is the worst. Put on Christmas carols and dance around the room as you decorate. You just might get some help even if they are only worried that you’ve lost your mind. Don’t fuss about the baking. Instead, ask for tasters and talk to your kids about how wonderful Jesus is.  You won.  You’ve just introduced your children to God.  

Everyone likes the buttons and signs that say, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Yet I am amazed when people who have those signs prove they don’t believe it by acting so unlike Jesus. If Jesus really is the reason for the season – shouldn’t we be acting like him?

I hope you have a wonderful day spreading the love of Jesus. I’m on my way to watch my wonderful son make a few hundred families excited about Christmas. I plan to share the love of Jesus to everyone I meet.


P.S. There’s an added benefit of being like Jesus during the season. Anything you do for three weeks or more will become a habit. Maybe this Jesus thing will become a life long habit. Hum…not a bad deal at all.

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