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good-handshakeThe truth is that it takes both Leaders and Christians willing to participate in God’s plan in order to fix the problems of this world.  They each play a role.

Christians can change the world and fix it’s problems if they implement the Bible on a personal level and maintain a world view.

Leaders can fix the world and it’s problems by providing the freedom needed so a Christian can complete their tasks.  The leader does not necessarily have to be Christian but they must be sympathetic or lean toward protecting Christian rights and views.

The Jews had very little influence in promoting a better way of life because Hitler hated their race and faith.  Isis and Christianity can not co-exist.  Isis will never allow us to practice, promote or evangelize our faith.  Leaders have the potential to put the Christian in danger and eliminate their freedom to serve Christ.

The reason America has been so strong for as long as it has is because the non-Christian leader has used the Constitution to support and defend the Christian.  The current trend to persecute or demean Christians is why we are in this current mess.  As America chooses lawlessness over Christian values, our safety and our way of life deteriorates.

Our choices for good leaders do not always include the most devout Christian.  In that case, it is important that instead of concentrating on non-Christian flaws that we look for someone who will accept and support most traditional Christian views.  We should help put leaders in place who recognize that Christian values are good and that Christians will help to make the country safer and better because of their views.  We should demand that our leaders follow basic Christian values because those values will support a safe environment.  Lying, cheating, murder, slavery, conspiracy, misrepresentation, are all against basic Christian values and will not produce a safe environment.  Those vices will never support the freedom needed for Christians to thrive.

Once we are free to pursue our Christian values, it is the job of Christians to implement the Bible in their lives.  Christians must always have a world view and a future view.  The world view takes into account all the ways we can cause ripples.  I use my faith where I live but I also participate in branching into other towns and states all across America proclaiming the good news and evangelizing for Christ.  Then I take it to another level by taking that message to countries all over the world.  I do this by supporting evangelists and missionaries.

Our future view concerns our families, friends, churches and how they will mold the future for Christ.  Because we believe becoming a Christian is a personal and voluntary action, we are constantly influencing others to “choose” Christ.  We damage that choice if we demand or push.  It’s a matter of “leading” someone to a decision.

Therefore, as we raise our children we must be aware that everything that happens in our homes will determine whether or not those children “want” to become Christians.  We must understand that if we don’t discipline our child, they will not have the tools to become Christians.  Why?  Christianity demands respect of the God we serve and discipline in order to follow him.  How can an undisciplined person become part of a “disciplined” faith?  They may try. They may want to follow God.  Yet, unless God totally changes their personality, the task will seem too hard and too often they will give up.  Before you even mention Jesus to your toddler, make sure they have an understanding of discipline.  That will help them when they choose to become a Christian.

If we want to change America, Christians must accept the responsibility for spreading the good news.  Christians can change the world and fix it’s problems by implementing the Bible on a personal level.

We can not look at leaders as our enemies.  We need them to provide a safe place for us to do our work.  Leaders can fix the world and it’s problems by providing the freedom needed so a Christian can complete their responsibilities.

As you pray about how to cast your vote – think about who will help you teach your children that God is their savior.  Who will protect the things that God cares about?  Who will not put restrictions on your ability to share the message of Christ?  Who will not require you to keep quiet because of political correctness?  Who will support your choice to stand up for your beliefs?  Who will provide a safe place for you to live, to work and to share Christ?  Who will accept that your freedom as a Christian is valid and that you have the same rights as others?


praying-girlDear Jesus, there has been a lot of discussion about who you want as president.  Please help us to see that this election is not about “who we like”.  This election is about whether or not we can continue to work for you.

There are still so many who live in fear and who don’t know you as savior.  There are many people who are discouraged, frustrated, bound by addictions and without answers for their own lives.  Those people need you.  Those people need the freedom that you provide.  They need the peace and the wisdom that you offer.  They need your love.

Please help us to elect people that will give us the freedom to continue to share the good news that you love us.  Help us to be able to continue to share with those at work, at play and in our schools.  Give us another chance to bring your love to this nation.

Forgive us of our sins.  Forgive us if we have been apathetic, lazy or uninvolved in your work.  Give us one more chance to share your love with others.  Thank you for your grace and for your peace.


See you tomorrow