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vote-cross-1500x1860The biggest election of all time is happening right now!  In fact, it has been happening since the beginning of time.  (spoiler alert – more on God’s choice for this election at the end of this post)

God created an amazing garden on earth and placed two people in that garden.  He had a host of wonderful ideas, gifts, entertainment, inventions, and plans.  No one ever talks about what a wonderful world this would have been if God’s plan had not been interrupted.  I don’t believe we would still be running around in a garden.  God would have allowed humans to grow, invent, and enjoy this world.  You and I would be living in a true Heaven on earth!  Can you imagine?

There was only one thing Adam and Eve had to do.  Stay away from Satan and from one silly tree.  If they could have done that one thing…..we would have had it all!!!

Instead they gave Satan their petition for him to be on the ballot.  At the moment Eve bit the apple the election process began.  Eve opened the ballot for the knowledge of good and evil and free will (that was always present) was pushed to the forefront.   Every person that ever lived would now have to make a choice.  God was locked in a battle to appeal to all mankind to come to Him.  He has shown us his gifts over and over.  He has revealed his great love for us and proved it with the crucifixion of his own son.  The Bible is his contract with us and includes all the wonderful details about the big celebration in Heaven.  He makes his case for the best life ever.

But the bottom line in this election of good vs. evil is that WE CHOOSE.  We will mark our ballot.  No one is ever allowed not to vote.  You can’t walk away from the vote and you can’t take a middle position.  You will choose a side.vote_500x279

God wants you to be happier than anyone you have ever imagined!  God wants you to have everything you want.  God wants your relationships to be the best with no room for improvement.  He wants you to experience every joy, every peace, every great experience, every good thing you can imagine – God wants you to have it all.

God stands before you now with all those gifts in his hand.  All you have to do is take them and give him your vote.

OH…..but wait…..there is one catch.  You will absolutely get it all but some things will be delayed until Heaven.  It’s like winning publishers clearing house and learning that yes, you get ten million dollars but it will be given out Five thousand dollars at a time.  Why does God do this?  Because some of his gifts cannot exist in this evil world.

So what is Satan’s platform?  He’s like many politicians we’ve known.  He can’t be honest about his plan for your life because he knows you will hate it. His only tool to get your vote is to deceive you.  He has a hatred for all things good.  He hates God with his whole being and he will do anything necessary to hurt those that God loves.  Satan can’t get into a physical battle with God.  God is all powerful and Satan knows he would lose big.  So he does the next best thing.  He attacks the people God adores.  He hurts God through our actions.

YIKES!  Who would vote for that?  No one.  The only choice left is for Satan to get creative.  He has to lie, cheat, steal and kill in order to fool you into voting for him.  He doesn’t care about you.  He just wants you so he can destroy you.  Once you are in his grip, he can look at God and brag, “Ha ha…I’m the greatest.  I got another one.”

With satan you are just a pawn.  You are an expendable thing that Satan can use to stab at the heart of God.

God has all power.  God is almighty.  God can do anything.  He is giving all of us the time we need to see the truth and cast our vote.  Yet, at some point in time He will end this “free will” thing that Satan has latched on to and He will jail Satan in Hell forever where he can never bother God’s children again.

Why doesn’t God do that now?  Why doesn’t God just throw Satan into Hell and sweep across the world with overpowering love – forcing – everyone to vote for Him?

Because of that dumb tree that houses the knowledge of good and evil.  We have free will and God wants it that way.  He could have put that dumb tree out of sight or housed it behind his throne.  God didn’t want us to be robots or even to be like the angels.  He wants a relationship with us centered on the fact that we want to be with him because we love him – not because we are forced to love him.  And because he wants an honest relationship (and because Satan is evil) we have to go through the process of choosing a side.

It’s a war for the gifts.  God wants to give them to you and Satan wants to keep them away.

If you choose Satan your life will be miserable here on earth and in Hell later.

If you choose God, your life will be better here on earth but Heaven will give you everything you could ever imagine.  An eternity of great moments, wonderful relationships, work, play – you get it all.  No billionaire on earth will have more than you will receive in Heaven.

And what does that have to do with the current election here on earth?  Everything.

God is choosing a person that he can use to help you choose God.  That person may destroy America.  But if there is a revival of people turning back to God, it will be our gain.  Imagine how you will feel if your candidate loses but as your son sees the damage that’s done – he gives his whole heart back to Jesus.  Wow!  Everyone wins, even in the depths of despair.  God is always thrilled when people choose Him.

What about the other candidate?  What about the one that may help America prosper?  God can use that person as well.   If Christians are smart enough to  use the opportunity of prosperity to have revival and to cause more people to vote for God – that’s even better.

The decision is up to you.  The future of this country will be decided by your vote.  I’m voting on November 8th for an earthly person.

In the heavenly election – I voting for God – who are you voting for?


praying-girlDear Jesus, please forgive us of our sins.

There are so many ways America has turned their back on you.  We see that now.  Please show us how we can vote and how we can work to bring America back to you.

Give us a love for your word.  Help us to take the time to learn more about you.  Help our churches to understand that revival is more important that having a party.  Help our pastors to tell us the truth.  Give every Christian in America a desire to share your love with everyone they know.

This election has caused fear, depression, frustrations and the loss of dear friendships.  Please heal us .  Heal our minds and our relationships.  Give us love for each other.  Help us to know how to vote for the person you plan to put in power.

This has been such an exhausting process.  Please give your people wisdom, peace and rest.


See you tomorrow

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