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Mom took a while to finish supper tonight.  She wanted to talk so I sat at the table with her, but she just stared out the window.  When I tried to prompt conversation, she asked me to leave her alone until she was finished.

With Dad gone I can see the pain in her eyes.  They were together for 65 years.  Unlike couples who spend the work day apart, mom and dad worked together.  Side by side, sharing each other’s burdens, day after day.  For the last three years mom and dad were like peas in a pod.  They sat together, ate together, ventured out on the porch – together and slept together.  I know she misses him.

While I waited for her to finish, I looked toward the TV.  An actor reminded me of someone I haven’t seen in years.  We were good friends.  I found out recently that his marriage is in trouble.  I heard someone whisper in my ear.  “Can you pray for me?”  

“I’m sorry mom.  What did you say?”

“I didn’t say anything.  I’m eating.”

I wondered if someone was urging me to pray.  Perhaps, my friend needed prayer.

In the Heroes of Faith series there is a story about Murray, a missionary who was severely burned in an explosion.  He was heavily bandaged, especially his hands, abdomen and legs.  The burns on his right palm were so deep that muscles and ligaments were exposed.  After a period of recovery,  the doctor planned to do multiple skin graft surgeries.

Alone in his bed early one morning, Murray watched as a procession of African Army ants march across the floor and crawl onto his bed.  They burrowed under the bandages to chew on his tortured flesh.

“Help!”  Murray cried.  The nurses were not on duty that early.  “Isn’t there anyone to help me?”  Three times he repeated his anguished cry.

In Scottsbluff, Nebraska, a friend of Murray’s was in bed sound asleep.  He was awakened by a cry of distress.  Thinking it came from one of his children, he checked on all three.  They were asleep.  He went back to his own bed and heard the cry again.  He checked the children again.  This time when he returned to his room he distinctly heard these words, “Help! Isn’t there anyone to help me.”

Murray woke his wife.  “I’ve just heard Murray Brown’s voice.  He is calling for help.”  They both got on their knees and prayed until they felt that God had answered Murray’s need.

No nurse came to Murray’s aid that morning in the hospital in Kumasi, but suddenly the ants left his bed.  He watched in amazement as they marched as if someone had called them.

Later, when the doctor removed the bandages, he found new flesh growing, even on the hand that was most severely burned.  There was no need to graft skin.  Murray’s healing was so complete that only a tiny scar on his thigh remained to remind him of his burns.

We are called to show God’s love to the world.  Did you also know that we are called to be in prayer for Christians who need our help?  I don’t know if my friend called out for help with his marriage or not, but I prayed for him.  I put him first on my prayer list.  I will keep him covered in prayer.

I looked back at mother’s sad face.  She may not have the verbal skills to ask for help, yet I prayed for God to have mercy and to comfort her.

We must be in tune with the whispers and the prayers of people who need help.  We must be strong soldiers of the faith that quickly get on our knees, pray for a friend and fight the spiritual battles of our day.

Never think that a prayer is just a simple thing.  When we pray powerful prayers, full of faith, we are in a spiritual war that can literally change the world!

Dear Jesus, give us power to hear the cries of those who need us.  Give us strength to stop whatever we are doing and pray for you to intervene in their lives.  Forgive us of our sins.  Heal us and teach us to pray as you prayed.  Use our prayers to not only help those we are praying for – but to also change us into the people you would have us to be.

Comfort those who are suffering.  Heal those who are hurting.  Soothe relationships and bring us together.  Wrap your arms around us and let us know that we are loved.

America is in trouble.  We are in agreement that America needs you.  We agree that you are our only hope.  We know that you have the solutions that will help America become the nation you want her to be.   We will continue to pray and continue to ask you to please bless America and keep her safe.

See you tomorrow

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